Monday, April 23, 2012

Artist's Books Class

Well, the semester is winding down and the final projects were turned in last Thursday. I went to class to turn in my book, but I didn't stay for the critique because my grandson was in Primary Children's Hospital following scoliosis surgery. He was not doing well, and we were spending as much time at the hospital as possible. He did improve enough to go home Saturday evening, but he is still in great pain and not eating because he is miserable with all the medications that make him throw up. Here is grandma and grandpa visiting the poor kid last week.

Anyway, I didn't mind missing the critique on Thursday. My book is what it is, and I don't think I need to defend it. The viewer will like it or not. I would probably have some criticism on the materials and the printing process: zerox copies on manila drawing paper. I like the way the prints look on the creamy yellow paper, so I used it. The concept was another use of an Eadweard Muybridge series of action photos but in a form that allows the sequence to be altered and viewed in non-sequential patterns. I titled the opus: LOCO-MOTION:

1 comment:

RR said...

This is a great book: wonderful fit of form and content; both conceptually intriguing and visually appealing!