Thursday, February 20, 2025

Enveloping the Word: Valentine's Cards

 "Not every art of art creates something special, but it does create something. It is the act of art that is important not the result." Michael L. Goodman

Three days before Valentine's Day, about ten o'clock in the morning, my wife handed me some red envelopes addressed to the kids and grandkids and asked me to decorate them. She wanted them at the post office before the first pickup of the afternoon (if at all possible). I grabbed some "odds and ends" stickers from the desk and a paint pen and got to work. When I finished, I rushed to the post office and delivered the cards to my favorite postmistress, Cherrie, who weighed and measured them to be sure I had the correct postage. My wife likes to stuff many notes and trinkets in letters to the grandkids. Miraculously, all the letters arrived at their destinations on Valentine's Day.

Here are some I managed to scan before I dashed out the door:

Sunday, February 2, 2025

There Is Nothing Common about Commonplace Books


"Not every act of art creates something special, but it does create something. It is the act of art that is important, not the result." Michael L. Goodman

In a drawer of the cabinet I was cleaning yesterday, I rediscovered my old “scrapbook” from the late 1950s and early 1960s. It contained clippings of newspaper advertisements for movies I had seen or wanted to see along with “artistic” line-illustrated store ads. I collected the ads as references for my drawings and doodles. This was not my journal, I was too lazy at that time to keep one, but a collection of other people’s ideas for my use. Though I did not know it, this was my first commonplace book.

During the 25 years that I taught English, reading, U.S. history, theatre, and French classes, I gave my students a new quotation each day from a writer, artist, actor, or philosopher. They kept the quotes in a notebook. I encouraged them to find other quotes that meant something to them to add to their books and share with the class, but few did. It was just another drudgery [as all schoolwork is] that I imposed upon them. When each school year ended, the students went out the door and the books went into the trash. My attempt to inspire them with a collection of great thoughts from great thinkers failed. It failed because the thoughts and ideas were not what the students found inspiring enough to keep for themselves; they were only important to me. I could not impose my commonplace book upon them.

So, what is a commonplace book? It is not a journal, diary, or personal record of your thoughts, ideas, and events of the day, but a “common place” to keep a collection of other people’s thoughts and ideas for future use or to reflect upon. A commonplace book is a compilation of quotations, poems, knowledge, ideas, song lyrics, anecdotes, proverbs, recipes, lists, illustrations, book titles, words, observations, or anything else one might want to remember [is this list long enough?] either organized by theme or randomly recorded.

Ryan Holiday, author of Discipline is Destiny: The Power of Self-Control, and a commonplace book compiler, remarked, “A commonplace book is a central resource or depository for ideas, quotes, anecdotes, observations and information you come across during your life and didactic pursuits. The purpose of the book is to record and organize these gems for later use in your life, in your business, in your writing, speaking, or whatever it is that you do.”

At a RootsTech family history convention in Salt Lake City, WordPress was handing out small, blank books for taking notes at the conference. I picked up a couple, but I did not use them at the time. After a few years of neglecting the books, I started using them to record the quotations I had scribbled on scraps of paper and stuffed in a desk drawer. They have made convenient commonplace books.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Book Arts Mania: Zines

"Not every act of art creates something special, but it does create something. It is the act of art that is important, not the result." Michael L. Goodman

I taught a small class last year for the Cultural Art Society of West Jordan about folded paper books. After they folded and cut several styles of these books, I showed how the format has been used to make zines. I showed them one I made. I printed thirty copies and left them on Trax train seats and other places I have frequented since then. Someone may have picked them up and kept them. I suppose many of them ended up in the trash bin.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Enveloping the Word: 2024 Christmas Cards

"Not every art of art creates something special, but it does create something. It is the act of art that is important, not the result." Michael L. Goodman

I began decorating my Christmas cards at the latter end of November. I experimented with various designs initially and settled on one or two variations as I progressed. The cards that went to France, England, and Scotland were done first and mailed before December. The next batch went to cousins and friends strewn throughout the United States followed by those who live in Utah outside the Salt Lake Valley. The last two mailings were to those in the valley ending with those in West Jordan. I saved the West Jordan cards till last because they would take the least time to arrive at their destinations. I have two post office clerks who keep my West Jordan letters in-house so they are delivered the day after I post them. I sent out 82 Christmas cards with decorated envelopes this year. These are samples of the cards:

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Book Arts Mania: Family History Photo Book

"Not every act of art creates something special, but it does create something. It is the act of art that is important, not the result." Michael L. Goodman 

This is a small [6" X 53/4"] folded-page book with a folded cover which I made several years ago as a demonstration showing various applications of this format. The first two photos "pop up" as the pages are opened. The third folds out so that the back can be read.

John H. Ewing was my 2nd great-grandfather who served in the American Civil War. These are the only photos I have of him. I have shared them with many relatives on genealogy websites.

The Cover
The Title Page

Page One and Two

Page Three and Four 

Pages Five and Six

The Photo Turned Out

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Commit Acts of Art: Garden Wreaths

 "Not every act of art creates something special, but it creates something. It is the act of art that is important, not the result." Michael L. Goodman

My acts of art this week have been in the garden. When it is hot and I need a rest, I sit in the shade of the apricot tree and weave wreathes from Oregon grape vines that I trim from the fence. The vines try to escape from the fence and invade the edges of the garden. I pull up on the growth end of a vine, and all the nodes along the vine that have sent out roots pop out of the ground. A firm tug and the vine snaps off at the fence. I peel the leaves from the vines, but I don't remove the wiry root clusters because they add an interesting element to the wreaths. The wreaths start out as wobbly circles, but as more vines are woven in and out around the base, the circles become more regular. My woven heart is a bit lopsided, but it is just fine for my garden. I will hang wreaths on the wall of the garden shed.

"Everything is good for something" Italian Proverb

Book Arts Mania: Another "Hidden-page" Book

 "Not every act of art creates something special, but it creates something. It is the act of art that is important, not the result." Michael L. Goodman

This is another collage book in the "hidden-book format that I made when I taught middle school students book arts. It is slightly larger than the two books I showed in the last post.

The front and back cover.

Pages one and two. Each page is 8 inches by 5 1/4 inches.
Pages three and four, the center spread.
Pages five and six.
The inside hidden page. (16 inches by 21 1/2 inches)

My favorite Grant Wood quote in this little book is: "All the really good ideas I'd ever had came to me while I was milking a cow."