Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Mickey

Happy ninety-third birthday, Mickey Rooney, A.K.A. Mickey McGuire, Andrew “Andy” Hardy, Puck, Tommy Miller, “Gig” Stevens, Dan, Shocky Carter, Jerry Crump, Timmie Donovan, Chick Evans, Terry O’Mulvaney, Whitey Marsh, Huckleberry Finn, Mickey Moran, young Tom Edison, Jimmy Conners, Tommy Williams, Timothy Dennis, Homer Macauley, Danny Churchill, Jr., Mi Taylor, Killer McCoy, Mr. Yunioshi, and so many others I can’t name here for lack of time and space. Thanks for all the happy memories you have given me and all your fans during the 87 years you have been in show business. Many happy returns of the day.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Summer's Over, School Is Here

This was certainly a busy summer. I had to move Mount Jordan Middle School library from the old building, which is being razed and rebuilt, to a temporary "new" building. 14,000 books along with tables, chairs, AV carts, computers and a profusion of other paraphernalia had to be packed, moved and unpacked. I have all the books up on the shelves and have circulated about 700 books since school opened, but I still have piles of boxes that need to be unpacked and organized. I can't find anything. We will not be moving into our rebuilt school for two years. I plan to divest the library of as much superfluous STUFF as possible before the next move.