Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Enveloping the Word: 2024 Christmas Cards

"Not every art of art creates something special, but it does create something. It is the act of art that is important, not the result." Michael L. Goodman

I began decorating my Christmas cards at the latter end of November. I experimented with various designs initially and settled on one or two variations as I progressed. The cards that went to France, England, and Scotland were done first and mailed before December. The next batch went to cousins and friends strewn throughout the United States followed by those who live in Utah outside the Salt Lake Valley. The last two mailings were to those in the valley ending with those in West Jordan. I saved the West Jordan cards till last because they would take the least time to arrive at their destinations. I have two post office clerks who keep my West Jordan letters in-house so they are delivered the day after I post them. I sent out 82 Christmas cards with decorated envelopes this year. These are samples of the cards:

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