Saturday, May 25, 2024

Big Art-Little Spaces: Travel Photos

 "Not every act of art creates something special, but it creates something. It is the act of art that is important, not the result." Michael Goodman

I have been traveling a lot in the last two months. A week in Ohio, a week and a half in Egypt, and side trips here and there around the home front. I took hundreds of photos in Ohio and Egypt, many of them of the same scene or object from multiple angles. Some photos might be seen as acts of art in themselves, and often some are springboards for other acts of art.

The outer court of the Kirtland Temple, Kirtland, Ohio.

At Le Sacré-Coeur, Montmartre, Paris.

The Giza Plateau, Egypt.

Feluccas on the Nile near Aswan, Egypt.

Two carvings of a Coptic Cross
on the wall of the Temple of Isis at Philae, Egypt.
My interpretation of the Coptic Cross at Philae.

My new mantra is "Commit Acts of Art every day!" Some days, taking a picture is my act of art when I have no time to doodle, draw, or paint. Arranging the plants and the watering system in my vegetable garden, adding a found object as a garden ornament, or making a small column of free-standing river stones at the end of a grow box is sometimes my act of art in a busy day which no one sees but me.

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