Thursday, June 6, 2024

Book Arts Mania: Another "Hidden-page" Book

 "Not every act of art creates something special, but it creates something. It is the act of art that is important, not the result." Michael L. Goodman

This is another collage book in the "hidden-book format that I made when I taught middle school students book arts. It is slightly larger than the two books I showed in the last post.

The front and back cover.

Pages one and two. Each page is 8 inches by 5 1/4 inches.
Pages three and four, the center spread.
Pages five and six.
The inside hidden page. (16 inches by 21 1/2 inches)

My favorite Grant Wood quote in this little book is: "All the really good ideas I'd ever had came to me while I was milking a cow."

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